The working groups are the heart and soul of SNRD Africa, bringing professionals from GIZ-supported projects and experts of the respective GIZ sector departments together. They organise knowledge management, provide training on best practices and develop new approaches based on mutual exchange and peer learning. Working groups choose their tandem partners in the sector department (FMB) and have their own speakers, annual work plans and physical meetings. We recommend for each SNRD member to participate in one working group!
Inclusive Agribusiness
This working group promotes market-oriented agricultural development through the creation of viable agribusiness ventures that are embedded in inclusive and sustainable value chains
Climate and Nature
This working group promotes the improvement of livelihoods while conserving natural resources in the context of climate change. Members believe that well governed and responsible management of natural resources are the basis for sustainable development in rural areas.
Digital Transformation
This working group is for everyone dealing with information and communications technologies for agriculture in developing countries. Digital native or not, (…)
Rural Employment
This community of practice aims to attract thematic GIZ experts and external consultants to work on job creation for youngsters in rural areas in Africa.
Food and Nutrition Security
This working group aims at good nutritional status, which is both an outcome and a key enabler of sustainable development. All forms of malnutrition, whether insufficient calorie intake, micronutrient deficiencies or overweight, impact not only on the health, but also on the economic performance – of individuals as well as of entire nations (…)
Gender-Transformative Approaches
The objective of gender-transformative approaches is to contribute to sustainable social and economic empowerment of women. Social norms and structural differences have to be adressed to achieve this objective. For this, we have to become courageous and respectful changemakers. How to get there, is the objective of this working group.
CoPs offer an open and flexible format to work on matters that cut across thematic areas, going beyond the regular span of SNRD activity. At this point, there are two active CoPs. Please let us know if you would like to join one of them.
Agriculture Technical Vocational Education and Training
This CoP is a forum for everyone working on ATVET-related projects in developing countries as well as for the experts from the sector departments dealing with subjects linked to ATVET within Germany (…)
Contract Farming
Virtual Community of Practice on Contract Farming Why a community of practice on Contract Farming? Broad sharing and dissemination of information and knowledge are known to be key drivers of impact in [...]
Rural Employment
This community of practice aims to attract thematic GIZ experts and external consultants to work on job creation for youngsters in rural areas in Africa.
The Benefits of Virtual Collaboration
SNRD Africa’s workflow utilises modern digital tools. Each working group and community of practice has access to an internal community platform. Based on Microsoft Sharepoint technology, these virtual communities with their knowledge sharing and exchanging on management practice have become essential to active cooperation, networking and partnership.
Virtual collaboration via the community platforms adds value: