On the Status of the Displayed Project Information

The list of member projects and the respective map have been updated

We have spent considerable time updating the project information on the website.

Please take a minute of your precious time and let us know in case your project’s title is incorrect, the link is wrong or not functioning, or if there are outdated projects (previous phases) that should be deleted.

On how the information is displayed

In practice, it is difficult to properly depict the fact that many projects operate in various countries. If we listed projects in all countries of operation, it would lead to the impression that there are many more projects than there actually are. Sector projects for example are therefore usually only listed under Germany.

We are aware that there are some inconsistencies to that practice and ask for members lenience on this. It is practically impossible to sort this out without running into an immense workload that would be in no justifiable relation to the value added by the information.


Please send your information to pascal.corbe@corbecoms.com .