Shaking up the Status Quo, Shaping Gender-Transformative Change
How do we effectively work towards gender equality and women’s empowerment in our projects? Read our latest publication and find out!

As part of SNRD Africa and the Sector Network Natural Resources and Rural Development Asia and the Pacific, the working group on Gender-Transformative Approaches in Rural Development is committed to doing things differently.
We are dedicated changemakers and we work towards gender-transformative change by “addressing the structural causes of gender inequality and gender-based discrimination, including the active engagement of men and boys in challenging gender norms and stereotypes”, as outlined in the EU Gender Action Plan (GAP) III.
The working group was set up in November 2020 as SNRD’s first-ever working group specifically dedicated to gender equality and women’s empowerment. Since its inception, it has created a large community of practice for peer exchange, raised awareness for a greater focus on gender transformative change within GIZ and advocated for the importance of evidence-based learning and the measurement of gender-transformative change in our projects.
The manifesto
Building on the experiences of its diverse members, the working group is proud to present its own narrative in form of a manifesto.
The key message “shaking up the status quo, shaping gender transformative change!” emphasizes the need for a mind shift within GIZ — especially for project implementers to place gender equality and women’s empowerment at the heart of what we do.
The vision is to inspire bold and intersectional rural development projects that challenge structural inequalities and gender norms to transform the lives of and with women and men for their social and economic development.
Only reaching women is simply not enough. Our project activities need to address factors that currently disempower women — such as limited mobility, lack of influential group membership, overburdening workload — for them to truly benefit from and be empowered by thoughtfully designed interventions.
Our manifesto lays out how we can achieve this.