Looking for Information on Germany’s Supply Chain Act?
The Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains INA might very well be the right address for you
Photo © GIZ
The Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains can help you with:
- Information on the German Supply Chain Act, regulatory measures on EU-level and what it entails for producers in your country
- Contacts to partners for projects on living income, deforestation-free supply chains, traceability and blockchain
The Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains at a glance
- An open platform of about 90 players from the private sector, civil society, and politics
- Seeks to achieve greater sustainability across global agricultural supply chains and improve the living conditions of smallholders.
- Offers cross-commodity expertise on living income, deforestation-free supply chains, digital traceability and agenda setting information at the German and EU level
Projects in Africa
In 2020 Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains started the project Living Income in Tree Crops in West Africa with the REWE Group, Fairtrade Germany and local partners.
The project works with cocoa producers to enable smallholder farmers to achieve a living income and allow traceability all the way back to the producing cooperative.
Through a holistic approach, smallholders receive a Fairtrade Living Income Differential and are offered training courses focusing on more sustainable farming practices, more efficient cultivation and better management of cooperatives. Also, the planting of additional crops, such as cashew trees, is supported in order to diversify alternative sources of income.
Local partners include the Ministry of Food and Agriculture Ghana, the Cashew & Cotton Board Côte d’Ivoire and the GIZ Competitive Cashew Initiative (ComCashew).
In April 2021 the first living income supplements were paid out. Each farmer received a cash payment commensurate with the quantities supplied to the project. Since mid-May, “VeryFair Chocolate” is available at Rewe and Penny supermarkets across Germany.
One of the most sought-after projects of the Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains is INATrace. This is a transferable, open-source blockchain-based traceability solution enabling transparency from production up to the final product.
Furthermore, SUVASE in Ethiopia is a Project that promotes sustainability in agricultural supply chains and aims to make them fair and deforestation-free.
In addition to coffee, the project focuses on beeswax, honey and spices and partners with leading German wax and coffee companies.

Photo © REWE Group/Marc Bright
Get in touch!
If you want to get a first impression of the Initiative for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains, why not subscribe to our monthly newsletter? Or get in contact with the INA team, located in Bonn. You can reach the initiative at ina@giz.de
Website: https://www.nachhaltige-agrarlieferketten.org/en/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/INAsustainable
Living Income in Tree Crops in West Africa: https://www.nachhaltige-agrarlieferketten.org/en/success-stories/ina-in-west-africa-higher-income-for-smallholders/
Living Income & Wages: https://www.nachhaltige-agrarlieferketten.org/en/news-events/toolkit-how-companies-can-work-on-living-wages/