IPBES — Latest Calls and Notifications

Important dates of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
  • Invitation to the sixth IPBES plenary (IPBES-6), 17-24 March 2018, Medellín, Colombia (7 Sep 2017)
  • Call to support advance the inclusion of indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) in the IPBES Global Assessment of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (10 Oct 2017)
  • IPBES launches ‘primers’ – short briefing documents on the IPBES assessments (11 Oct 2017)
  • To the attention of the member states of IPBES: call for nominations for the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel, due 4 December 2017 (20 Oct 2017)
  • Call for expressions of interest from professional organisations to coordinate the external element of the IPBES review (6 Nov 2017)
  • Call for nominations for members of the IPBES review panel (7 Nov 2017)

Further information

To learn more about the IPBES process, please visit Aboutvalues.net, where you can also find a short guide on IPBES, or contact the Katja Heubach.

Interested in taking part in the IPBES plenary?

Please indicate this to us, so to coordinate amongst ourselves.




IPBES is an independent intergovernmental body, established under the auspices of UNEP, FAO, UNESCO and UNDP in 2012. The main mandate of IPBES is to compile, systematize and disseminate the latest scientific and other knowledge on biodiversity, ecosystems and their services, to identify tools and methods to protect and conserve them, and to derive from that courses of action. IPBES recommendations should equally benefit national governments, local and regional stakeholders, as well as international biodiversity policy processes, such as the CBD.