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GIZ, and IPD at the world’s leading trade fair for organic food

GIZ, and the Import Promotion Desk (IPD) will extend their successful joint exhibition appearance for the sixth time at BIOFACH 2021.

BIOFACH is the world’s leading trade fair for organic food, with more than 47,000 visitors from over 135 countries in 2020.

The joint exhibition booth at the trade fair of Nuremberg will – in view of the ongoing corona crisis – offer virtual matchmaking for the partner companies. Opportunities for future development partnerships will be explored and the portfolio of German development cooperation in the organic sector will be presented.

GIZ will also participate with a virtual discussion panel at the BIOFACH congress.


Sector Project Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance (SV AAA)


Joint exhibition booth of GIZ, and Import Promotion Desk (IPD) at BIOFACH 2020 — (Copyright: IPD)

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