Contributing New Best Practice Solutions and Sharing Knowledge
Several write-shops held

Having already 662 best practice solutions online on the PANORAMA – Solutions for a Healthy Planet platform is a great achievement so far. New solutions are created for every project under implementation. To share these solutions with the world in a structured way, a virtual write-shop for PANORAMA was organized by the project on biodiversity and ecosystem services in agrarian landscapes (IKI-Biodiv), commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
The PANORAMA initiative is the ideal place to share these with other practitioners around the world. The partnership initiative promotes best practices as solutions for nature conservation and sustainable development. Solution providers and potential replicators are brought together for a mutual learning experience. Practical knowledge within the communities is shared across multiple thematic areas, and everyone can learn how similar challenges are resolved. So far there are thematic solutions about ‘business engagement’, ‘agriculture and biodiversity’, ‘ecosystem-based adaptation’, ‘marine and coastal’ as well as ‘protected areas’. Together with the recently launched cross-linking ‘nature-culture community’ best practice solutions have several entry points to the shared knowledge.
Every new tool and method implemented creates solutions that could be published on PANORAMA. But often there is no incentive to deal with the topic of writing and uploading alone. As part of the knowledge management and dissemination strategy the global IKI-Biodiv – Project held several solution sourcing events. In 2018 a two-day workshop was held in Nairobi, Kenya with almost 30 participants that resulted in eleven new solutions. Due to COVID-19 the following workshops were held virtually. A virtual Write-Shop captured the project’s knowledge from India in 2020. The positive experience from this resulted in a GIZ-wide Write-Shop, which was conducted in collaboration with the SNRD Asia and the Pacific.
The 15 participants of the Write-Shops explored the platform and the features were presented. In online discussions held on MS-Teams, everyone could think about solutions coming from their own field of expertise. In one session, ideas for new solutions were developed. The knowledge is structured to benefit the wider audience with the necessary background knowledge to published on PANORAMA.
The write-shop supported the publishing of solutions from individual projects and was a great opportunity to network with colleagues working in different countries. Furthermore, it shows that even in times of COVID-19, networking in workshops is possible with productive results. Especially in times of home office and working on distance, the workshop was a welcome opportunity to exchange ideas and get new inspiration.
Thure de Frenne, GIZ