Combating Sexual Harassment

Empowering labour market actors in the agri-food sector

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Value add for readers

  • Understand how widespread the issue of workplace sexual harassment is both globally and in the Agri-Food Sector in Western Kenya
  • Learn about the 360° AgriJobs Approach and understand how this approach holistically tackles challenges in rural employment promotion with a strong focus on gender transformative approaches.
  • Get an overview of the awareness campaign Agri-Jobs 4 Youth has developed with Amka Afrika Justice Initiative, its contents, and objectives.
  • Become active yourself: The article actively encourages individuals to participate in the initiative. From watching the video series to spreading awareness on social media using specific hashtags, educating oneself on the signs of harassment, and hanging informational posters, individuals can learn about tangible actions they can take to contribute to positive change.
Photo:  © GIZ

In Western Kenya, the Agri-Food Sector is grappling with the pervasive issue of workplace sexual harassment, amplified by informal workplaces, lax policy enforcement, and the normalisation of harassment in the communities. According to the ILO Survey in 2022, 17.9% of employed individuals globally reported psychological violence and harassment, and 8.5% experienced physical violence and harassment. As an employment-promoting project, Agri-Jobs 4 Youth, in collaboration with the AMKA Justice Initiative Kenya, has embarked on a crucial mission to combat this challenge, creating a ripple effect that resonates with feminist principles and a commitment to safe, inclusive, and harassment-free workplaces.

During the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence, we are launching our campaign together with Amka Africa Justice Initiative and call upon other employment promotion projects to join us to spread the word!

Our comprehensive campaign includes a 10-part video series highlighting different formal and informal employment scenarios, an A5 print and digital flyer promoting the series, a 45-page discussion guide for institutions and individuals, and an A1 informational poster expressing zero tolerance on sexual harassment. All materials are accessible for download from our partner website, Amka Africa.

The 360° AgriJobs Approach Takes a Stand Against Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a barrier to achieving gender equality in the workplace, and in Kenya, up to 47% of women experience gender-based violence in their lifetime. The 360° AgriJobs Approach recognises the urgent need to address sexual harassment, understanding its impact on the physical and mental well-being, career trajectories, and economic prospects of young workers in the agri-food sector.

This integrated approach for employment promotion focuses on youth employment in Western Kenya. It strengthens opportunities by highlighting employment potential in the agri-food sector and addresses climate-related challenges by promoting climate-smart agricultural technologies, innovations, and green jobs. Our approach involves promoting competency-based learning systems, catalysing private sector-led job creation, empowering youth in agribusiness, and engaging with employers, job seekers, and employment service providers.

Gender is not an afterthought in our project; it’s fundamental. Gender considerations are woven into every aspect of the 360° AgriJobs Approach, fostering an environment of respect and dignity regardless of gender. Our sensitisation campaign targets the normalisation of harassment, empowering individuals to recognize, report, and prevent harassment, fostering safer and more equitable workplaces.

Campaign Objectives and Impact

In the short term, we aim to launch the campaign during the 16-Days of Activism, promote the video series, and initiate public discussions. We plan to conduct legal clinics and sensitising events. Over the next six months, our objectives include partnering with 40 private sector entities, reaching 3,500 ATVET students and job seekers through sensitisation events, and supporting 4,000 youth in the agri-food sector through umbrella youth organisations. In the long term, we aspire to change the narrative on both job seeker and employer sides, provide leads on referral pathways for bystanders and survivors, and encourage MSMEs to address and prevent harassment proactively.

A Collaborative Journey Combatting Sexual Harassment in Western Kenya and beyond

Our campaign aligns with feminist core principles, framing sexual harassment not just as a moral obligation but as a legal one. By emphasising human rights violations, we encourage legal action and redress for victims. Our gender transformative approaches address the structural causes of gender inequality and power imbalances, challenging cultural norms and normalisations.

As we strive for a lasting impact, we unite forces for change, collaborating with stakeholders and promoting a collective effort to combat sexual harassment and promote gender equality in Western Kenya. Together, we can break the silence and cultivate a safer, more equitable future for all.

How can you participate and benefit from this initiative?

  • Watch our 10-part video series and share with partners; We encourage you to use the videos in your context, where you deem fit.
  • Spread awareness: Use #EndGBV #AgriFoodEquality to raise awareness on social media platforms, showcasing our collective commitment to change. The attached flyer can help you to do so.
  • Educate: Take the time to educate yourself and others on the signs of sexual harassment and the steps to prevent it, for example, by using the discussion guide attached.
  • Hang the attached poster in your office, and encourage partners to do so, too.



Julia Müller, Agri-Jobs 4 Youth, Kisumu, Kenya

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