NDC Handover Checklist
Knowledge management tool for Nationally Determined Contributions

The handover checklist for Nationally Determined Contributions maintains the knowledge of the key aspects from the recent NDC revision process and thereby prepares for future processes.
The checklist is developed as a flexible template that can be tailored to the context of each country. Governments can fill in the checklist and share it with relevant stakeholders at their own discretion.
You can directly download the NDC Handover Checklist in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian.
To learn more about the checklist, follow the link below to access the slides and the recording form the launch events: https://transparency-partnership.net/news/preserving-ndc-knowledge-ndc-handover-checklist
The NDC Handover Checklist was developed by GIZ jointly with Climate Analytics as a tool for governments to document all information relevant to their NDC update process. On December 15 and 16, 2021 the Partnership on Transparency in the Paris Agreement (PATPA) and Climate Analytics presented it as a knowledge management tool for NDCs.
Roziya Kirgizbekova, roziya.kirgizbekova@giz.de