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Webinar on gender in agri-based value chains

We focus on the differences of gender-sensitive and gender-transformative approaches and how they can be applied effectively in agri-based value chains projects by sharing the Malawian examples of the GIZ Projects “More Income and Employment in Rural Areas” (Kulima MIERA) in Malawi and the “Agricultural Technical Vocational Education & Training for Women” (ATVET4W).


  • Eva Stehle (SP AAA)
  • Yvonne Glorius & Elizabeth Molloy (Kulima MIERA, Malawi)
  • Sara Jabril & Steffen Becker (ATVET4W, South Africa)


Carolin Voigt, GIZ Sector Project Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance


Carolin Voigt and & Katharina Schlemper (both SP AAA)

Is this relevant to you?

You promote gender equality? You want to learn how to promote gender quality in agricultural value chains?
You want to learn to apply a gender-transformative approach for your value chain project and how you can measure this with an index?
If you can answer one or several questions with ‘yes’ our webinar will be worthwhile listening!

Your takeaway

We want to encourage you to take a step further and re-think your approach to gender within your own projects and daily work.
Join our Webinar to learn more about this and share your knowledge with us.

Special guests

Yvonne Glorius from the GIZ Project “More Income and Employment in Rural Areas” through selected value chains, and Elizabeth Molloy who conducted two consecutive studies in Malawi for the MIERA project applying the Women’s Empowerment Framework by Longwe to explore gender dynamics of agricultural value chains and gender mainstreaming within Kulima MIERA. Aspects of membership within Farmer Organisations and decision making at household level will be of particular interest here. They will share their insights with us during the webinar.

Sara Jabril and Steffen Becker who presents the example of the ATVET4W – the stand-alone project within our agriculture and food sector with the gender marker GG2! Don’t miss this unique chance to exchange with them. Steffen will also present theWomen Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI) as a newly established method to measure gender aspects. He will focus on the adapted index version for value chain projects: the proWEAI, which may provide first insights from its application in Malawi.

Eva Stehle, who works in the Sector Project Agricultural trade, Agribusiness, Agricutural Value Chains, will kick off and set the scene with some general facts and figures regarding gender in the agri-food sector.

Join us and share your thoughts!

Recording and data privacy

We record the webinar for the purpose of video-documentation only and will be stored on GIZ servers. The video-file can be send upon request for the exclusive purpose of knowledge management. Please, get in touch with the staff within the SP AAA for this.

Please, note that with your virtual participation in the webinar you give consent to use your personal data according to the European General Data Privacy Regulation (2016/679) as indicated in the document below. Read through carefully.

Download Declaration


The webinar is organised & hosted by the Sector Project Agricultural Trade, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance of the GIZ Department G500.

Photo: © AgricToday (2018) – “Women in the driver seat” taken in Ghana during ATVET4W tractor training

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