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Webinar including launch of report on ICTs in Food Security and Nutrition

GIZ intends to harness the potential of the digital transformation towards the achievement of the SDGs.

Learn more about digital technologies to improve food and nutrition security: Which tools do GIZ and other organisations use? What are their experiences and findings from research – what works, what remains a challenge?


Introduction (5 min.) Ines Reinhard (GIZ)

Veronica Tuffrey (Independent consultant) (15 min.)

Launching of GIZ report: From Bits to Bites – ICTs in Food Security and Nutrition Programmes

Video: Chipatala cha pa Foni – Health Center by Phone, Malawi (5min)

Inka Barnett, PhD (Senior Research Fellow / Research Associate at ODID, University of Oxford) (15 min.)

“Evaluation of mobile phone technology-based nutrition and agriculture advisory services“ – Introduction and insights from the research

Lee Kironget, PhD (Start-up Simprints; Head of Partnerships) (15 min.) Presentation on Contactless solution for last-mile verification of Aid Delivery, Cash Transfer, and general social safety net and economic livelihood support


Moderation: Susanne Neiro (GIZ) (40 min.)

Photo: © GIZ/Nitya Agarwal

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