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Online exchange: The impact of COVID-19 on the agriculture sector

COVID-19 affects agriculture in its entirety including food supply chains. It’s for this reason that we cordially invite you to our webinar.

Some national senior policy advisors will give 10-minute presentations on the situation in their countries and the measures they are taking or recommend to take. There will be room for questions, discussion and exchange. We look forward to hearing from you all, to share your experiences!

The main intention of this event is to enable a South-South exchange between colleagues based in different African countries. We’ll be happy if especially national staff participate and contribute to this event. The event will be held in English only.

To take the opportunity for notification, the working group leads are looking forward to your contributions for the second working group newsletter. Feel free to share reports and stories that might be interesting to other members of the group. You can send them to and/or directly share them in our IDA community.

Kind regards,

Your SNRD-PPARD Team (on behalf of the National Senior Policy Advisor Sub-Group)

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