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GIZ in collaboration with the ANH Academy has prepared for you and your colleagues a series of webinars on using social and behaviour change (SBC) for improved agriculture and nutrition.

The last out of five webinars, entitled Leveraging M&E Systems to Improve SBC Programme Performance,

.This webinar will provide you with practical tips on how your M&E systems can help you to not only measure the results of your SBC programming but also improve its quality and overall impact. You can look forward to inspiring examples and practical recommendations that you can use in your work. You will have an opportunity to ask questions to our experienced presenters: Leanne Dougherty (Senior Implementation Science Advisor for Breakthrough-RESEARCH) and Komlan Edan (Economist Statistician). Find out more information and register now at this site.

The entire webinar series is an excellent learning opportunity and we encourage you to share this invitation with your M&E and other colleagues.

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