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Webinar in the series on food systems

Get ready for the next webinar in our series on Food Systems for Healthier Diets!

We want to give you some insights into the preparations of the UN Food Systems Summit in September.


  • Christel Weller Molongua, Head of Division G500, who represents Germany in Action Track 1, will provide some insights on how the AT functions and how the process is organized
  • David Bexte from Helvetas, Switzerland, will talk about food systems city dialogues and respective commitments in Switzerland
  • A representative from the national partner ministry in Ethiopia and a GIZ colleague involved in the dialogue organization in Benin will give first-hand impressions on preparations of national food systems summit dialogues

We look forward to your active participation!

Asha Stindl (GV ESRS) and Anika Reinbott (SV APES)

EN/FR interpretation will be available.

More on the webinar series

Photo credit: GIZ/Michael Jooss

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